On the gallery page of the MD Osprey cam, I found a few pictures that I thought I would share.
Check out how BIG this fish is!!! Compare it to the size of the bird's leg -- it's a whopper!

This one is so cute -- all four chicks lined up in a row at Mom's feet!

The whole family, you can see the bigger chicks are standing tall now.

The picture below is not of one of the CT or MD ospreys, but I thought it was really great. You can really see the primary feathers, the banding on the tail...

Here is the taxonomic nomenclature of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus):
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Ciconiiformes (also referred to as Falconiformes though it is no longer used)
Family: Accipitridae
Genus: Pandion
Species: haliaetus
Bird Girl
Love the osprey pictures, I check on both pairs on a regular basis. I have also been enjoying the storks in Germany, beautiful, gracful birds.
Bird Girl...
Did you notice that in the last pic of the Osprey with wings partially extended the wings are not symmetrical?
The left wing seems to be missing the first primary feather. Do you think that is a congenital defect?
I've been watching a couple or three Osprey sites intermittently, but usually there is something impeding a clear picture of the nest and young hawks.
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